Wednesday, March 30, 2011

marching band is a sport.

it annoys me that people think marching band isn't a sport. at my highschool we highstep. and we are on of SEVEN highschools in the nation that highsteps. and unless you yourself are in marching band or have highstepped before you wouldn't realize how much physical activity it actually is. perfectly high knees, in sync with 180 other people, playing music from memory (on beat with everyone else), and doing tricky turns and spins, ALL AT THE SAME TIME! hell yea i think marching band is one hell of sport. especially at my school. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

i'm obsessed with weird piercings.

 vertical industrial.
 double tragus.
 side corset.
 dermal punches. (i personally find these disgusting. but i'm still fascinated by them.)
 anti tragus.
  anti brow.
 labret. (i like the spirally ring.)
 tongue piercing. (i adore this picture.)
 dimple. ^.^

that model stuff.

sorry there's kinda alot. but this is how my little sister and i spent our day. doing each others hair. and modeling. (: